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propagating perennials: Euphorbia-Cushion Spurge, Snow on the Mountain
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Thursday, August 28, 2008

Euphorbia-Cushion Spurge, Snow on the Mountain

Propagating Euphorbia or Snow on the Mountain should be done after 3 years in the ground, in the spring, and wear gloves because its genus is Poinsettia, its yellow blooms are the bracts, the milky sap could cause problems if your skin is sensitive, when digging up the plant however it does not take to transplanting too well so this is one plant that you should allow to self seed or try cuttings if you had luck with Poinsettias. It prefers a well draining sandy soil in full to mostly sun, it is drought tolerant, in the fall the leaves turn red, the plant reaches a height of 24" besides being deer resistant and deciduous. It seems to spread quicker if moist.

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