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propagating perennials: Cold frames
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Thursday, February 28, 2008

Cold frames

Most people cannot afford a greenhouse either because of finances or lot size, but now is the time to consider constructing a cold frame especially in the northern zones to get a head start on your planting season to increase either the color of your garden beds or vegetable garden. This is a file from Garden Gate magazine,, by the way which is a good publication to subscribe to if you are a novice or an expert or if you have the time to dream. Back was I was young they used to spread fresh manure at the bottom of the cold frame to raise the heat and they used the old winter window sashes that most newer homes don’t have as the cover because the cover must be adjusted for outside temperatures. For people with young children place chicken wire over the glass so if the child should happen to fall the damage might not be as severe. Please do not use plastic because you might regret it, unless you have children. Some garden centers use cold frames to winter over tender perennials that they propagated earlier in the year. Many use it to root cuttings, instead of a greenhouse with a mist system setup. Some use shade cloths to protect the plants from burning in the summer. Only use exterior plywood and paint it, because Mother Nature can raise havoc on wood products if not protected.

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